GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Friday, June 2

The Beach.......

I am home. I’m sitting in my room, missing the sounds of waves and the feel of moisture in the air.

The beach was fabulous. There are many moments that I have been replaying in my head. Steph and I drove down Friday morning. Once on island we just drove around, the air feels different. There is a weight to it, I love humidity. Unfortunately, short my short hair is not as big of a fan as I am. But I was at the beach so what do I care. We drove to the house and the first important thing I learned was that we had a hammock. First order of business, to take a nap in the hammock. Once unpacked I just wanted to chill. I went for a walk and watched the sunset. Very romantic, all by myself. From here all the days all seem to run together…I got to be an uninvited guest to a wedding. Yup, right next to where we had our beach towels up. Cool idea, few problems in the applications but nice in the end
. [Note to all women reading this….if you are getting married at the beach, the theme is “Bare feet”. Do not force the wedding party to try and walk on the sand with shoes on, especially not flip flops, they cause sand to fly up, this is not elegant, classy, fun or any other word you would like to be used when describing your wedding.]

I got to read 2 full books and start 3 others. I got to sleep in the hammock for a full night listening to the sound of the waves. I got to call my mother from the beach. [During which I learned that my 18 year old brother, Hugh, graduates today with not only his high school diploma but also with his associates degree, he will receive a 75% state discount when he attends college, Hugh was accepted to BYU-Provo on a scholarship, and he will submit his mission papers later this month. Way to go Hugh, I am excited for you!] I got to get at least 3 separate sunburns. I learned SPF 15 does not work on my skin at all, SPF 30 works better but still not completely even when applied 3 times. There was swimming in a pool, swimming in the ocean, wave hopping with Violet from The Incredibles (I got to be Elastigirl , thank you very much) and playing Horse with Neigh, Neigh. Movie watching, sunrises and sunsets, walking by myself under the stars, all the things you want when on vacation.

I did a lot of thinking at the beach. There is something about listening to the waves… it is hypnotic you start noticing how big the ocean is, how small you are, how amazing our world is, how vast the universe is, which leads to what you want in life, what you have done with what you have been given, what you are missing, what to do about it. There was a lot of thinking. Steph says people are confused by me when I get into a thinking mood. They apparently don’t know how to read me, and therefore think I am mad or snotty. That is not my intent ever, I feel bad that this happens, but when I get inside my own brain sometimes I get lost. Anyway I apologize for any stand-offishness.

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