GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Sunday, October 29

Let me tell you a little story………

Once upon a time there was a young woman. We will call her….ummm… How about Rae. For various reasons Rae decided to move 2000 miles away from all of her family and friends. Upon arrival in her new land Rae knew no one, not one to make friends easily she was set to be very lonely. While sitting in the new member class her first Sunday, Rae caught a glimpse of two women, Steph and Boo, sitting at the very end of the long high council table. Steph and Boo were obviously already friends. They were laughing with each other over some irreverent comment Steph had made. (Really when is Steph not irreverent during church classes)
After Church that Sunday Rae approached Steph and Boo in hopes of finding a place to use a piano during the week (there is a long story for that which I will explain at another time). Alas there was not one available; but contact had been made. It is unclear when the friendship between these women started. It seems to have just happened. A fourth woman joined them, Gwen, and they became R.A.G.S. By summer time there were together all of the time. They sat together at church, they attended parties together, they went to the movies and they had dinners together. By fall, when Rae wanted to change jobs, she had Steph take over her old one. Then 2 months later when Rae lost her new job, Steph was the one to help her get back on with her old company.
Among the three of them there were boy troubles, and friend troubles, there were musicals, and birthdays, there were Christmas parties and Halloween costumes, deaths of family members and friends, classes starting, jobs ending, new jobs and new apartments. In a short 22 months they have run the gamut of experiences and emotions. Gwen was the first to withdraw from the group. She suddenly became a world traveler and after a couple of quick jaunts to Europe decided to settle in Utah. Now there are changes on the wind again. The remaining trio is breaking up. . Steph is leaving us. Things will never be the same.


Stephanie said...

That was an awesome day! Long live the Hawk and Dove!!

And remember, Rae....this is change, not variety.

Oh wait. ;)

At least this way you're going to be able to see Montana and know its full glory! Additionally, I would like to point out that while our location is changing--friendship like ours never does. We're studk with each other until there are rockers and dentures and Boo with a shot-gun on her lap.

Joy said...

change is good. even though it may not feel so much right now, and we'll all be missing Steph, change is good.

Boo said...

Hooray for Rae's cropping skills!!I am so glad you told "our" story. It is a good one I hope will never end no matter where we are.
Love you all!

Gwen Lafleur said...

lol... I thought you said rockers WITH dentures. HAHAHAHA. That was a funny image while it lasted :D