GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Wednesday, February 4

I'm Just Me.......

I was supposed to spend my day cleaning and unpacking. Instead I got online to look for jobs (that's my priority right now right?).

Of course after doing that for a while I wanted to take a break...................and this is what I came up with.


The music a clip of SHEdaisy's song titled Lucky 4 You (Tonight I'm Just Me)

(P.S. If it works right I will make one of my "on the road" pictures.)


Cheryl said...

Shedaisy are our friends cousins! I feel for you making that trek this time of year. Every time we have driven home for Christmas we have had 'incidents' in Wyoming.

Tiana said...

You are hilarious! Thanks for all the self portraits!

Anonymous said...

hahah i should have asked you to make my video for the SF twiight contest!!