GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Thursday, January 19


So I got tagged......What you don't realize (and maybe you do) is that I am panicking here. I pretty much pretend that no one reads my blog. I have been told it is extremely personal. Which it is. But this is stuff I never say to anyone. And this way it gets out, and I do not bore any one. Does that count as being a Quirk?
What is the definition? We are going with definition 2: Odd Mannerism; a peculiar habit, mannerism, or aspect of somebody’s character.

I have many of those but 5:

1) I guilt myself. It is this horrible aspect of my personality. When ever I do anything I always check to see who I have offended or hurt and then feel guilty for all their problems as if it is somehow all my fault. This is ingrained and recently I am working to overcome this…..there is intense breathing and repeating of the phrase…”I have nothing to feel guilty about!” Lol!

2) I quote random movies. This is not a quirk that can be used upon demand. Every quote has to go with the situation. It will pop in my head and come out of my mouth before I can stop it. They are never lines or films that people know. They are the old school Disney films (The One and Only Genuine, Original, Family Band for example) or if a popular is the line that no one remembers.

3) I have to read before bed. I cannot fall asleep with out it. It is what shuts my mind down. Unfortunately it gets even odder. I have to read a book that I have read before. If I haven’t read it before I cannot sleep with out knowing the ending. So I have to read a book that I know the ending to so my mind will start to shut off.

4) When I was in high school I was an insomniac, sort of. I couldn’t sleep unless I felt completely safe. This caused problems as home was not a safe haven. Therefore I would spend my nights watching TV or reading. I would sleep at various places. As a Junior and senior it was usually driving in my boyfriend’s car. I would also take naps at my various friends’ houses. My best friend’s parent’s house was my favorite. I slept well there.

5) I have a running commentary in my head. Sort of like a novel. It is rather funny they are not good novels either. I always have full paragraphs that I read in my head about every situation. I don’t know how they are written they just appear….things like as I sit at a table for dinner…part of my mind will be on the conversation the other part will be reading…..the lights were low and the conversations loud. People stood along the walls searching for vacant tables.. As we talked the…blah blah blah…you get the idea.

Is that quirky enough for you? To stick with the idea that no one reads this I am not tagging anyone. Hope this brought you a chuckle.

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