GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Monday, January 30

Rumor has it.......

Yesterday I was not feeling well and so I slept. I finally got up around 4 to shower and get ready for our roommate dinner. You see, my roommates and I have decided to read books together. I guess it is a private book club. We read a religious book together and then have a dinner to discuss our thoughts on said book. Yesterday we discussed the new Sherri Dew book: If Life Were Easy It Wouldn’t Be Hard.
Anyway I was showered and dressed when my roommates got home from church. Kara had chosen this book and so she had made dinner. The rest of the girls set the table, while I sat at the table and chatted. I was still a little shaky and didn’t want to break anything or worse. Cali had quite the bit of gossip to share. Apparently she was pulled out of Sunday School yesterday to discuss me. Our home teachers were told to check up on me. In the meeting where they discuss the home teaching results they were told that I had a nervous breakdown. Lol! Now granted I took a day off of work because I was a little weepy, I am overly hormonal right now and a friend had died, that is to be expected. Isn’t it? I went to my institute class, I skipped the ski trip, yeah, but I went to the gig for Barefoot Saturday night. It’s not like these people have not seen me. I am usually pensive and quiet. I only am really loud when caffeinated or in the company of really good friends. I guess people just don’t usually notice because I usually surround myself with outgoing people and then sit back… least that is the way I see me. Maybe it is not reality. Anyway so now I am trying to find the source of said rumor. We’ll have to see how this started.

Wish me luck. Lol!

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