GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Tuesday, January 3


I tried blogging earlier in the day but I couldn’t organize my thoughts. So I am blogging from home again. I have done this the past couple of blogs. I sit in front of my Christmas tree (maybe it will come down next week) and think back over the day. Last night, I was distracted by one of my roommates and there for the blog was all over the place as our conversation progressed.

Today I was tired. I read a book late into the evening last night and therefore had to drag myself out of bed. One of the most difficult things in the world is getting up the morning after the weekend. No, not due to any sort of morning after hangover, more or less due to a strong desire to NOT go to work. Lol! They day was good. I think the best part was coming home from Work!! Hannah is Home! I cannot tell you how much I have missed that kid. I got to hear all about her Vacation, which was much better then mine. Lol! She really is a sweetheart. She is a little flighty and young but she and I get along really well. We have a lot of fun. It’s a type of family connection I do not have with any of my family. At this time I am barely connected to my family. But those that I am connected have more of a parental type relationship. So Hannah is the younger sister that I adore.

Tonight as I sit in the living room here we are almost all home. Camille is on her phone in her room (common for 9 pm ) , Hannah is unpacking in her room, mooning over her boy back home (meant in the best way possible) Kate has gone to dinner with some friends that are home for the holidays, Kara is in her room chatting it up with our unofficial roommate Brenda. Brenda doesn’t live here, but she has a key and is here every day. Lol! We love her so no one complains. If Cali were home she would be studying at the table or in her room. She always is. Lol!

I am a creature of habit. I am happiest when the atmosphere I am used to continues as I expect it to. I can’t wait till Cali returns and all will be right in my world once more. What will I do when this happy little world comes to an end? Hannah is already making plans to go to grad school at BYU. We can’t live here forever, and would we really want to? We will all want to move on at sometime. But for now, I get to enjoy. I got very lucky with this house. God blessed me with this group of girls and I am going to enjoy the blessings that He sends.

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