GRADUATION!! (Grad School)

Friday, March 17

Happy Saint Patricks Day!

Top o’ the mornin' to ya!

St. Patrick’s Day has arrived.......Wahoo!! This happens to be one of my favorite holidays, for no apparent reason. One day I would like to go to Chicago and see the parade and the dyeing of the Chicago River. It would be even better to be able to go to Ireland. *sigh* I do have Irish in my family. One of the stories says we are from Galway Bay in Ireland. My mothers maiden name is Galloway....the change happened somewhere along the line. (Hmmm....that would be interesting to find out) Any way, there is really no reason for me to love this day so much. But I do. I am giddy today. I have been wearing green all week. Not that that is really different then any other week. It is my favorite color after all. But I don't really green beer, not for me. I do remember once when I was little (We lived in New Hampshire at the time so it was somewhere between 5 and 7 years old) Mom got up early and made us green breakfast. Green eggs and Ham, special just for St Patty's day, well and the book by Dr. Seuss, of course. It is a fun Memory. I usually don't go to massive parties on this day. Tonight for instance, I will be hanging with my great girlfriends while we plan our major outing for the fall. But there is something about this holiday that just makes me smile. Maybe it is the fact that it is spring, and there is green involved. I am just so easily pleased these days. I hope you enjoy this wonderful holiday.

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