Just a place for me to spew forth the obnoxious thoughts that rattle around in my head.
And yet.....
I am awake.
Life is not fair today :pSent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Nyquil is the answer. It solves all the worlds problems. Hope you feel better soon!
Nyquil is definitely going on the grocery list. Thankfully I woke today with a clear head. While I still have a cough and a bit of stuffy nose. I can think again!! Eureka!
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Nyquil is the answer. It solves all the worlds problems.
Hope you feel better soon!
Nyquil is definitely going on the grocery list.
Thankfully I woke today with a clear head. While I still have a cough and a bit of stuffy nose. I can think again!! Eureka!
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